Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Sound of Music

I cannot say when music became so important to our family since Bob and I can barely turn on the radio and get the right tones to come out right but we have both loved music since the beginning of our time together. The Psalms have always had special meaning to us especially the one that says, "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.". I think that is what we have done most of our lives. we have tried to make joyful noises unto the Lord.

Bob grew up with an aunt that was quite musical and could play the piano. I grew up with a dad who could play the guitar and sing - of course in those early years the songs were mostly by Hank Williams, Sr about "Your Cheating Heart" and "Moaning the Blues" but in this little girls heart he was just as good as Hank. Later, he got a guitar and taught himself to play. I was in the hight school band and found that from some secret source I had a natural ear for music and learned to play flute. My parents bought a piano and I could pick out anything with my right hand but my left hand spoke a different language.

Eventually, as God intended, our home was blessed with true joyful sounds when Debbie was four years old. She began playing the piano for real. She took lessons and became the protege' for her teacher and completed her first book in only 6 weeks. At 5 she received her first standing ovation at her first recital and she was playing from the Baptist Hymnal (still her favorite Hymn Book) Saturday nights at our house was filled with such joy because of the sounds of Heaven as she sang with her dad with her perfect soprano voice from the old Blackwood Brothers songbooks. They would sing one song after another and it was Heaven come down and full of glory. It was Saturday night at the Hughes' house and nobody complained.

When Deb was 12, she was the pianist at Friendship Baptist and on a Sunday evening, she was playing from the hymnal when Wendy Mann called out "Victory in Jesus". We all held our breath because we had not heard her play this one before. It wasn't even in the book at that time. Deb told him that it wasn't there and his response was "just fake it" (what faith he had) and fake it she did. She played her heart out as though there wasn't enough keys on the piano to handle it all. God had given her what she needed because he had given her the talent and expected that it be used for Him. She's never looked back or said I can't play something.

Too often we fail to take what God has given to us and use it for His glory. He gives us so much and we think it is all for us to use for ourselves to make us happy but that is a somewhat selfish view of God and His will for our lives. He has a plan and will for our lives. Each of us should think about ourselves and consider where it is that God would have us serve Him and join Him in where ever Her is working using the gifts He has given to us. Your gift may not be the same as mine and I am certain that mine is not the same as yours. If mine were playing the piano, my left hand would speak the left-hand piano language (I took lessons for 6 months just for my left hand).

The one gift that each of us has that is the same for all is

Sharing God's Love,


Monday, January 22, 2007

Loving God and each other

A popular song that is sung by the Gaither Vocal Band is called "Loving God and Loving Each Other". I suppose that if Bob and I had a title for the 44 years that we have been married (January 20), it would be that we have loved God and each other and in that order. It is the secret to a long and happy marriage.

I remember well one Sunday when as a young bride that Bob was asked to supply for a country church. After the service, I told Bob that I was pleased with his message and his reply to me was, "I am glad you liked it but more important was whether or not God was pleased with it." His comment stung a little but I probably would have said the identical thing to him after the Better Speaker's Tournament just before we married when I had won with my Speech "Be Thou Faithful". The point here being that our dating and our marriage were based on loving God first in our relationship. Our dates were mainly going to church instead of to movies or were sitting at home talking and getting acquainted with our families. Our genuine love for God was the cement that made us love each other.

When Bob and I first met, I was walking to church and stopped by my best friend's house. Bob and his best friend was there and my best friend (Jill) and Bob's best friend were getting married and Jill's mother was making homemade do-nuts. I already walked about 6 blocks and only had one block to go but Mrs.. Yaun insisted that Bob drive me to church. A couple of years ago Mrs. Yaun went home to be with the Lord but she was a great lady.

People have asked us "how have you made it work?" That is probably the easiest of answers. "Love God first, then love each other. Each of you give 100% of yourself in love and devotion at all time to the other, thinking of the other first in all times, and your marriage is guaranteed to work. If a decision needs to be made, the husband should seek God's answer and it will always coincide with Scripture...not with wants...God will give a decision based on His will and what is best for the family.

His way will always be best for all. Too often we are not people willing to do that. We like to have our own way. Debbie had a kid's song on an album about Princess Prunella when she was a toddler that said "I want what I want and I want it now" and unfortunately that is why so many marriages fail today. We never grew up. We sometimes forget about what is best for our mate or our families because we want what we want and we want it now.

We forget that the most important thing there is is Loving God - loving Him with all our heart, mind and soul. We must never be jealous because our mates love God before us because God tells our husbands to love us as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for us. There is no greater love. What woman could not love the husband back who is so attentive and loving back to someone who loves her that much. I love the relationship I have with my husband. I love the kids who laugh at two old people still holding hand - not holding each other up - but out of genuine caring. I love my husband opening the car door for me. I love him kissing me every time he leaves the house. I love him calling me just to check on me to find out how I am feeling and asking if I need anything from the store. I love him turning down the bed at night and helping me with things around the house even when I feel like doing it myself. I love that he knows how to start the dishwasher. I love our quiet time every evening and reading a portion of Scripture and talking about it because he is a wise man who can be trusted with wise council. I love that he is my best friend and seldom loses his temper because he treats me with the same gentleness and tenderness that Christ treats the church.

I do not know why I was chosen to be Bob Hughes wife....but it has been my blessing. Because of Loving God first and loving each other, God blessed us with a beautiful child who has a family who is practicing the same principles, Loving God and Loving each other. They are teaching these to our grandchildren.

What would the world be like if Loving God and Loving each other became the theme for the nation beginning in our homes and our church? Until the word gets around, the best I can do is to continue to

Share God's Love,


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

e-mail 1/14/7

This morning a very special friend came to me and encouraged me not to stop writing my Sharing devotional. She will never know how much I appreciate the encouragement even though I never had any intention of ever stopping completely from writing the "Sharing God's Love" Devotion. This has been initiated by God from the beginning and I knew it. But just the kindness was appreciated.

However, sometimes life is overwhelming. We try to do the right things. We try to say the right things and yet there is always somebody standing around with a pin to burst our bubble and walk away without caring that they may have really hurt us badly. Sometimes, I wish I could just go back to those days when I could tell my little brother and he would take care of the situation because he was the one with a temper. He would punch somebody in the nose just because he liked it especially if somebody hurt his sister and I was about the same way with him only I did not enjoy it as much as he did. Now as adults we both are just big kitty cats who let people say whatever and we take it. We avoid conflict at all costs if people will let us.

Sometimes we try to do the right thing because we believe it is the right thing to do when it is not the thing that God wants us to do. Last week I actually began to wonder if "Sharing God's Love" was something God wanted me to do or something I wanted to do. I needed confirmation from God. I had to pray about it. As I prayed, people saw me at church and began telling me how they had used it to minister to other people in their families who were not Christians and they lived in other places. Others e-mailed me from out of state that I was saying what their churches needed to hear, others just said "Don't stop, keep up the good word."

Regardless of what some might choose to believe, my taking some time to pray has not been about "Quitting". It is about getting priorities straight. It is about being on track with Jesus and my Heavenly Father and staying there. Sometimes I would like to stop the world and just get off. But God has put me here for His purpose and as long as He gives me breath I will do what He tells me to do as long as He wants me to and when I quit, it will be because He has given me something else to do. He does not put us in one place for one job for all this life. That would make this lifetime too easy. Instead on this road we travel there are many side-roads, turns, detours and interstates. And all maps are not the same.

Right now, TODAY, my purpose is to work in missions by engaging in mission action, praying for missions, teaching Biblically based missions and always doing this while I am.....

Sharing God's Love,


Thanks "J". I needed our chat.

e-mail 1/10/7

Someone very special came to me yesterday at lunch and said that she really appreciated our devotion and wished that I could send it out everyday. I tried to explain to her that I wished I could too but I had said when I first started writing that I would only write when God gave me something that He wanted me to say. The devotion does not go to any one church or denomination, it goes to at least 8 different states across our country and even outside our country that I am aware. Now it is on a blog that I did not set up and I have no idea how many people will be reading it. I have been asked for back issues and those will be available on the blog as they are added in. When I sit to write, I have no concept of what it is that I am going to write, what I will put down or the direction it will take in the end. I will be as surprised at the conclusion of this one as you will be.

I have been up early this morning thinking about the lesson that was to be taught at Toni's today about Creation and why we are here? The tune we sing about "Oh how He loves you, Oh how He loves me, Oh how He loves you and me." seems to play through and through my head. I am not yet sure what this is about but am sure that before this devotion is over, I will know so I am trying to get whatever God is giving down before He takes it away.

I only sleep about 4 hours each night so I am usually up early with a lot of things going through my head as I read my Bible, sit and pray to begin my day. This morning as I sat in my chair, snuggled under my blanket, I had about 2 minutes of sharp pain in my heart. When I tell my cardiologist, she says my heart is being stressed, when I tell my family doctor, he says it is arthritis, so I just don't panic about it anymore. When the pain last longer than two minutes, I go to the hospital. If I don't make it, my family knows where I will be. Bro Gregg's part would be the hardest as he will have to struggle to find a few pleasant words to say over a closed casket and act like he likes me and sing "I Can Only Imagine". JUST KIDDING!

I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to take my morning meds and realized it last night. The cardiologist had doubled the heart meds last week for morning and night and the diastolic was in the red zone so I probably need to put up a sign to remind me to actually take the meds when the alarm goes off instead of turning it off and going about my business until I have time and think about it later.

But back to the point. All of us do us do stupid and foolish things like I did with my meds, even when we belong to Jesus. He still loves us. In His prayer to the Father, He prayed, "Father, I have not lost even one of those You gave me". The problems we face in the church and the world today is distinguishing those who have really immersed themselves in Jesus and given 100% of themselves to Him. It is so easy to have good intentions and want to do the right thing but that is not enough. I had the best intentions in the world when Beanie Babies were so popular and gaining in value that I was going to help send my grandchildren to college; so I began collecting. I now have in sealed boxes more than 350 of those little fuzzy toys that cost from 5.00 - 100.00 each and now can be found on E-bay for .99. My intentions were good but right now they are pretty worthless. I can't get David through one class in his Freshman year with Beanie Babies. I can't even buy his books. But I had good intentions. My heart was in the right place and I won't even tell you how far Bob has driven while we were on a search for some I did not have.

"O how he loves me."It is so easy to mouth the words, "Yes I love Him", "Yes, I want to be baptized", Yes,, I want to join the church", Yes, I want to know Him like you do." But total obedience is REQUIRED. Friends and those I love so dearly, it is not an option.

"Oh how He loves you and me." He wants what is best for us and that comes only through commitment and obedience. He wants our bodies, hearts, minds and souls to be submerged in His blood. How does this happen? Through the Holy Spirit coming alive in our being and our not pushing Him aside for personal reasons or pleasure.

Many years go, I taught a group of Girls in Action at another church and on a particular Sunday night a young girl about 12 years old stayed after class and said to me, "Mrs Peggy, I wish I could know Jesus like you do. I said, "You can. You need to love Him with all your heart, you need to trust Him and be obedient to the things that He teaches in His Bible. I will help you to learn." I will never forget. She said, "I can't, it won't work at my house" I talked a little more and she would not make a decision based on her home life. She continued coming to church sporatically and as she became a teenager and experiencing the world, maybe 10 years later she came back to church one night and I asked her to stay after class, (I was teaching young and middle adults) and I asked her if she ever made that decision to follow Christ)and she said no. I reminded her that she was an adult now, she had a child that needed to be raised as a Christian in a better home environment than she had been. She at first said no, then said "OK, if you will walk down front with me, I will do it." I believed that she meant it - I believed because it was what I wanted for her - because "Oh how He loves you and me". I prayed with her in the classroom, at the altar, and the pastor prayed with her. She told the church that she confessed Christ to me in the Discipleship class, she asked for church for membership based following her baptism. She then walked out the door of the church that night and straight back into prostitution and drugs. I don't think she even went home. She went directly to a local bar according to acquaintances.

Occasionally I see her and ask, "Why? Your life could be so different. I would have helped you to understood. You could have gotten an education, you would not have to be on welfare. You would not have the HIV virus." Her response is always, "I love you, Mrs. Peggy and I always knew you loved me but I just could not make that decision."

"Oh how He loves you and me" Do I try too hard? Probably! Do I get too zealous in my attempts to get people to be saved and know the fullness of grace that is available because of what My Lord did on Calvary? I plead guilty! Am I sorry? No! Do I think that people are too callous about church and following the teachings of Jesus and not taking Him serious enough? Yes.

We talk a lot about Discipleship and I do this a lot. I say we need more discipleship then I need to remind myself what discipleship is. I have been in the church so long that I think that people ought to know our "churchy" words. Discipleship simply means to be a student of somebody. In the church, we mean a student of Jesus. Jesus said in His own red words: "Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." I keep looking and have not found yet where it says we get to pick and choose which part of whatsoever I have commanded, and if you know where that part it, please send it to me. Jesus taught: Prayer, Missions, Evangelism and Obedience to whatever the Father asked Him to do.

Hint: The Father never released us from the Ten Commandments. Jesus words, "I came to fulfill the law, not to destroy them".

"Oh how he loves you and me" When Isaiah heard the words "Who will go for us? I believe he did not waste any time in lifting his arms and saying "Here am I Lord, Send me." What love and commitment for his Lord. My prayer is, "If I can't go Father, take me."

You see, for me, it can't be an option, it is a privilege, it's not a duty it is a way of......

Sharing God's Love,


e-mail 1/8/7

Recently I have been made even more aware of the importance of my faith in Jesus Christ and what I am willing to do and even what I am not willing to do as an Christian. Some that do not know me will probably think I am a nut or a fanatic. What others choose to think is all right because I choose to be "crazy about my Lord, Jesus Christ. I find that I can sit with anybody and tell them how much Jesus loves them and how they can know Him but when it comes to talking about "Oh how I love Him" the tears come".

When I think about "the Old Rugged Cross" and what it cost for me to have eternal life, my tears well up and the adequate words do not always want to come. How can we not life out hand and hearts when we sing, "Holy, Holy, Holy" if we know the One we sing about? How can we be so flippant when we sing, "What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus?

Many years ago, Bob and I use to attend the Sunday School leadership conferences at Ridgecrest, North Carolina to learn how to be better Sunday School leaders and a better Minister of Education. There was a lady (that I will not name) every year that would sing "Listen to the hammer ring, and praise Jesus". I hated that song with a passion! Instead of feeling like doing any praising, I only wanted to cry during the song because they had someone in the background hitting a hammer on a nail and it echoed through the building and it stills makes me cry to know that my Lord endured that pain for me. He did not deserve that pain He went through. I did! NO! NO! NO! Not HIM! I cannot praise His pain. I am grateful for the love that He endured on the cross for me but to be thankful for his pain, "Oh Father, please forgive us for our carelessness and not understanding and even listening to such". (I did not applaud by the way.)

For many years I have told my Sunday school classes that they needed to be obedient and committed to Jesus - 100% all the way. Saying we love the church for which He did and making feeble or careless excuses for not coming to hear God word does not make us honest in loving the church. Whatever preacher, deacon or other uncommitted person came up with the idea that Sunday evenings were not for worship should have to listen to the tears of Jesus as He looked out over the city of Jerusalem and wept. Why do you think Jesus wept over the city He loved? I have spent a little time thinking about it and it had to be that His heart was breaking because of the sincere love that He had for them and they took His love like trash and trampled it underfoot. What would He think if He were standing outside our door at any moment of our worship time? Suppose even if he were seated on the cross in the baptistry, I wonder how many people in the congregation would even notice or it would make a difference. What would be His reaction and who would care?

I have heard people at a church lately tell me that if they had discipleship training at the church like they have for Sunday School from 6-7PM and a full Worship Service from 7-8PM that they would come but just for a short 6-7PM service was not worth the effort. I can't say for certain that the people would come or not. I think it all comes down to church leadership and church members who loves Jesus 100% with all their heart, soul and mind and is willing to make a real commitment to put Christ first in all they do. We may think we are getting by but I just read recently that God is keeping records and everything we do is being recorded in the Book of Life. 99%'rs may have themselves convinced that they are alright but when that day comes they may hear "sorry, I never knew you." Jesus doesn't care about your church membership or how many classes you teach or how many committees you have served on. He cares about your love and obedience to Him. He cares about your testimony even when you aren't noticing that somebody else is. Remember your neighbors notice when you are not in church on Sunday nights and Wednesday and that is a testimony and it counts. Your words count and your actions count.

None of us are perfect but as we strive for that perfection we find that we will make fewer and fewer excuses for our lack of obedience and our stubbornness for not being faithful to the church for which He died. I am one happy wife who has a husband who will call around and find a church that is having worship services when our home church calls services off for a mortal holiday. He has my utmost love and respect and I know that his heart is always going to be pleasing to the Father by his actions and that will make him most pleasing to meIt is all about knowing God, knowing His will and

Sharing His Love,


e-mail 1/4/7

To understand and to be understood is sometimes hard to do. People today use different terms to mean the same thing and yet can have entirely different meanings and often cause great confusion. I remember when it was all right to say that you were gay and happy. Today, no decent person would dare to use these terms together especially if they were a Christian and even more so if they were members of a Southern Baptist Church.

I like words and I like using words correctly. Often in reading the Scriptures with Bob at night, I am flipping to the concordance or to the index in the back of the Bible to find the correct pronunciation or the correct meaning of the word as used in a particular instance. Since we try to read from different translations each year or so, and make comparisons to get the full meanings of the Scriptures, we really have some fun questions and commentaries. I love it when I get to ask and Bob's answers are "I don't know" because it happens so seldom. Bible study at our house is really a fun time as well as serious and time of learning for both of us.

In spite of the different translations or different words used, there is one purpose that goes through every translation that we have read: JESUS IS LORD, HE IS LORD OF ALL CREATION, HE IS THE SAVIOR OF ALL MANKIND WHO WILL BELIEVE IN HIM.

A recent devotion by a missionary in Africa wrote of driving through a National Park and seeing all the wildlife and admiring all the different animals when there was a scream of the baboon announcing that there was something ahead. All the animals attention was fixed on something more important than the truck the missionaries were riding in. In the bushes ahead was a large male lion, the king of the jungle. All animals focused on him. The missionary was reminded that "The Lion of Judah commands and deserves the same kind of focus from us. We must stay so intently focused on the King of Kings that when distractions come, we are not moved! For when our eyes are fixed on Him, we exalt Him and others will be drawn to Him...*" I believe this with all my heart. When our hearts and eyes are fixed on Jesus we do not need junk to bring people to Jesus, He is enough. His Word speaks loudly enough to say all we need to hear.


This is the Jesus I love! This is the Jesus I worship! This is the Jesus I look forward to bowing before! Do I ever look forward to these words? Yes I do! Do I look forward to days when people care first and foremost about the things that God cares about? Yes I do!

I'm not perfect in this life but thank God, he looks at the heart and one thing I know: God really cares that we continue to

Share His love,


e-mail 12/31/6

As I sit here today, I can not help but think of the past year and the many things that have happened that have brought us to this place in our spiritual walk with the Lord. A very good book that I am reading has this verse in one of the cover pages: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." (Romans 9:17b)

Sharing God's Love has been a blessing for me as devotion and as an outreach. I never in my wildest thoughts believed that I would be sending out my thoughts or things that God was giving to me into cyberspace to share with others. In the past, I have known those who were in my "classes" at church and everything was up close and personal with each one who became like my children and family. God has now given me a new dimension and it is exciting and also challenging.

As my health has improved over recent months and I feel stronger, I am learning better how to pace myself for more challenges that are going to come in the new year through new opportunities of service through our local church. A man named William Temple (Archbishop of Canterbury 1942-1944) once said "The church is the only society in the world which exists for the benefit of those outside its membership." THAT IS MISSIONS!!!! Mission opportunities are going to abound as God shows us where He is working and we are given the privilege of joining Him in what He is doing. Missions is sharing God's love to a lost world. Missions is helping those who have never heard that they need a Savior. Missions is meeting needs where God's Spirit leads us to go and help. Missions is evangelism. MISSIONS IS WHAT JESUS CALLED US TO DO.

Sharing God's love is something that I pray will catch on not just as a devotion that you read every few days but something that becomes part of your daily life. As Bro. Gregg said this morning, "it is a daily commitment to renew our minds to be like Christ". Perhaps we need a post-it note on our mirror in the mornings to remind us when we first see ourselves to pray, "Lord, make me like You today." Some of us may need several post-it notes through the house and car until it becomes a continuous prayer as we go throughout the day every day.

Sharing God's Love is a commandment. It is as much a part of being a Christian as breathing is to living. Let's spend the New Year challenging ourselves to think like Christ and always that will lead us to....

Share God's Love,


e-mail 12/24/6

This morning while I am sitting at home on Christmas Eve instead of being in church where I would prefer to be with my friends an loved ones, I am home making a memory of a different kind ...watching a Gaither Christmas Video and wondering if I actually have the "mumps". Few people my age get to even think about this but for some reason I must be special because here I am and I sure have made a lot of family laugh at my situation so I suppose I am blessed in spite of it all.

It must have meant to be because as I was listening to Gloria tell a story a short while ago it reminded me of us and God's love. She told of a man who was trying to choose a special card for his wife - probably for her birthday - but he could not find the card that said exactly what he wanted to say to her. Have you ever been in this situation?...when you knew that there was something that you wanted to say to someone but just did not find the right words. I have. Sometimes it has been because I have been overwhelmed with love and appreciation like the time I met Henry Blackaby and stood there with my mouth open and nothing coming out and other times it has been when I was angry with someone and wanted to tell them what a jerk I thought they had been. At those angry times, it was probably best that I did not have words to say and I turned away.

I usually do not have problems with telling people that I love them. Sometimes I don't tell them enough. I want to find better words to tell Bob how much I love him and how much I thank God for putting us together 44 years ago because He has been so wonderful to me and my love for him deepens every day. I am so honored to be his wife and know of his love for Jesus and how he has lead our family to know Him better. I want to tell Debbie what a wonderful daughter she is and how much I love and appreciate the young woman she has become, the wonderful wife and mother to my grandchildren. I want Kenny to know that we love him like the son we never hand and treasure him with all in our hearts and thank him for being a wonderful Christian husband to Debbie and father to Rachel and David. We tell Rachel and David all the time that we love them but our hearts fill with such pride and joy and we cannot find adequate words to express to tell any of these what is truly in our hearts. I want our families to know that they are in our hearts and prayers every day even when we do not call or e-mail. We want our church and our pastor to know how very much we love them and how much we depend on them but there are no adequate words even through we try to say "I love you" often and try to show, yet somehow it does not seem enough.

Most of all we want our Lord, Jesus Christ to know that we love Him and there are not enough decorations, music, celebrations or anything else that can truly express what is in our hearts for Him and what He has done for us. The only way we can show Him how much we love Him is by loving each other and offering our praise and worship with humbled hearts and bended knees, sometimes tears of repentance and gratitude.

Our Scripture reading last night was from 1 John 3. Verse 1a says "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God!: Chapter 4, v 7-11 says, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God, He who does not love does not know God for God is love. In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love (agape), not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (sacrificial substitute) for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."

It is awesome to know that we are Children of God if we believe in Jesus Christ. The best gift you can give to Jesus this season is yourself. I John 5:13 also tells us that we can KNOW if we have eternal life for it says "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God".

In 2006, I have tried to share with you some of what God has been showing me. I am looking forward to another year with you and

Sharing God's Love,


e-mail 12/15/6

As I look outside and see the cloudy day, it is hard to be sad because there is so much color everywhere we look. In South Georgia it is very uncommon to see so much color with the changing of the seasons and yet the maple trees in our yard are yellow, orange and one is bright red. The bush in the back yard that usually has orange berries for the birds have bright red ones this year. It is impossible for me to believe that anyone could believe that this just happens without help from a loving God."

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth". Since we know that God created all things we know that God loves beauty because He made so many colors. We know that He likes variety because He made so many different things. Meteorologists tell us that there are no two snowflakes alike and when we consider how many snowflakes have fallen in recent weeks in parts of our country, we have to be amazed at how truly awesome our God is. Scientists tell us that no two people have the same fingerprints. Even identical twins have different fingerprints.

In spite of all of our differences. God loves each of us alike. He gave His only Son that we might spend all of eternity with Him.

As we think of beautiful things, there is one that stands out this month as we think of sharing the good news of our Savior with all mankind. The Scripture is found in Romans 10:14-15. In verse 15, we find God's word saying that "the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things" are beautiful. This passage refers to you and me but also to our ministers of the Gospel who are preachers, missionaries, chaplains, teachers and any others who are dedicated to sharing Jesus.

When I look at my feet, they do not look especially pretty, so I am glad that it is God who does the judging. And when He looks at me, I hope He finds me...

Sharing God's love,


e-mail 12/9/6

When I got up this morning, the first thing that came to mind was a song my dad use to sing to us, "Baby, it's cold outside." Cold and I do not get along but it does help some of us get into the "spirit" of the holidays that will soon be here. For me, another song comes to mind: "Put another log on the fire" and that is what has been happening around our house all morning.In spite of the cold, I love the Season of Christmas."

For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved." This is one of the most precious verses in the Bible. It tells us the simple story, the simple truth that God loves us. God loves the whole world, not just Americans, not just Jews, not just Protestants, but the whole world.

I remember being at Ridgecrest, NC many years ago at a National WMU Week Conference and Dr. Keith Parks spoke. Dr. Parks at the time was the President of the Foreign Mission Board. He and his wife had served as missionaries. When he told his dad that they were going to a foreign country, his dad did what most of us would do and asked "are you sure this is what you should do?" Dr. Parks replied, "Dad, God is as close to Africa as He is to Nashville, Tenn."

Sometimes as Americans with our freedoms, we forget how much God loves the entire world. I have heard many times that we should first take care of home and yes I do believe that we should take care of home but we have an equal responsibility to see that people all over the world have a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This morning I did something that might seem strange to some but for me it was a perfectly normal thing for a type A, compulsive personality to do. The garland on my Christmas tree was not quite right so with all the ornaments in place and lights on the tree, I re-strung the garland so that I would have it more close to perfection. I decorate our tree every year as a gesture of love for my family. Yes, it did take a little extra care so I did not break any ornaments and it was a little harder but it was also worth the effort. As I was doing this, I could not help but think that if I go to so much trouble to let my family know that I love the, then why do I not do more to show others around me how much I love them. Why am I not more thoughtful and considerate of others? Why am I so willing to do for those I know but those I don't know, I tend to back off? Why does my heart not ache when I see the homeless or children on television in foreign lands and even in America who have no families and live in orphanages? I can make a lot of human excuses for myself and I cannot speak for anybody else but I pray that God will prick my heart and make me more aware of the needs of others and help me know those He wants me to help.

God has a plan for mankind. He had a plan when He created the world and we are a part of that plan. He has always wanted a people who would love Him above all else and they would show that love for Him by the way we treat Him through obedience and loving others. I definitely want to be more obedient and pray that I will always find a way to

Share God's Love,


e-mail 12-8-6

At times in recent years it seems like Christians are sleeping away their lives when it comes to taking a stand for Christ. We have allowed the Supreme Court to take away the reciting of the Lord's Prayer in schools, we have allowed the Ten Commandments to be removed from some public buildings, and we have not made much of a fuss about Nativity scenes not being on public grounds during the season of Christmas. However, not lost.

The things that are happening to Christians in the United States are mild when compared to the rest of the world. For centuries Christians have suffered for their faith, our missionaries on the foreign fields now are often in danger for their lives, missionaries are often killed and/or maimed for their faith. Yet here in America, we have freedom to call upon the God we know and worship Him without fear.

We are a nation that was founded on Christian principles and have forgotten to teach those principles to the children. Vance Havner, a great preacher, once said, "The things we tolerate today will be accepted as the normal tomorrow." I have seen many of these changes in my lifetime. There was a time when it was unheard of for a man and woman to live together without being married. Today, young people are told to try it out before they commit to marriage, so they live together. There was a time when being pregnant and nor married brought shame to a family, today, we give baby showers, our blessings and best wishes for the unwed mother. Women today deliberately have children with no father in the picture, thinking they can raise the child without a full family and the children are the ones who suffer with identity crisis and discipline problems as they grow older.

Try as hard as they can, Christianity can never be totally removed from the United States as long as there is one Christian left standing. Our history will not let us forget, the buildings in Washington are monuments to our country's initial belief in God. There are statues of Moses and the Ten Commandments on the Supreme Court in Washington, DC, the Library of Congress and the Ronald Reagan building. On the floor of the National Archives building we find the Ten Commandments. A window in the US Capitol shows the image of George Washington kneeling in prayer. References to "Almighty God" are found in all of the speeches, writings and monuments of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and every other great American leader. When the President of the United States takes office, his hand is placed on the Bible. It is sad that our current leaders in Congress have forgotten about our Christian heritage.

It is easy to complain about our images and statues not being displayed but while we are arguing this point, we forget to do the things that Jesus told us to do. He said we were to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison, visit the orphans and children and love one another as He loved us.

John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute recently wrote, "If Christians really want to have a positive impact on the world around them, let them return to their communities and tend to the sick, feed the poor, and stand up for the weak and defenseless." Israel was judged harshly by God in the Old Testament for not doing these very things.

During this Christmas season, let's become prayer warriors for our country, for our military, for the freedoms we enjoy, for our church and our neighbors. Let's show the world how much we love the Savior whose birth we celebrate, that the gift God gave was not wasted on a few but was meant for the whole world. Let's demonstrate the love of God in our lives and in our hearts by being obedient to the commands of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Let's expand the borders of our faith and watch God work miracles in our lives and the lives of our neighbors. Many do not believe God still does miracles but He does. As we pray, let's pray expecting that God is going to act on our faith. "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him." If we don't have the faith, there is a problem. We have to believe.

Celebrate this Christmas season with peace and joy in your hearts and never forget that it is all about...

Sharing God's Love,


e-mail 12/6/6

As the apostle Paul was concluding his 2nd letter to the Corinthians he said, "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-" (2 Cor 13:5)

Here at the end of the year, each of us should challenge ourselves to examine ourselves as to whether or not we are in the faith. In this particular instance, Paul is not talking about our denomination but whether or not we are truly saved. Earlier Paul had told them (2 Cor 11:13-15) that Satan and his angels (demons) can come into the fellowship "transformed into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works." (Minister in this instance does not refer to pastors but to anyone who is helping another.) Is it possible that people in our fellowship of friends and church family have not truly met the Savior?

We can tell who is truly "in the faith" by their walk with the Lord. A person who knows Jesus Christ as their personal Savior cannot hide it. There is a burning desire in their heart to tell others. After we believe IN God, we must believe God. Then we make adjustments in our life towards obedience to God. We cannot go instantly from belief to absolute obedience without making adjustments. Mature Christians should not have to make as many adjustments as a young believer does; however as long as we live on this earth, we will always be making adjustments to line up with God's will for our lives. We will adjust until we are perfect.

Godly people with right motivations often fail. Many times I have believed that I was doing the right thing only to find out that Peggy messed up. It takes daily meditation and prayer to stay in God's will. I believe that every person, who calls Jesus his or her Savior, should begin every day with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Why? We love Him because He first loved us. We should pray every morning, before meals (even in public places) and go about the day with a prayer on our heart and lips. (Do you ever think to pray every time you hear an ambulance? Some body's in trouble or the siren would not be heard.)

Our kids should be told that they can pray in school. The Supreme Court ruled that there could be no organized prayer and children cannot be made to pray but they cannot keep a child from bowing their head and praying silently to God to help them begin their day, to give them knowledge before they have an exam, or to give them wisdom to answer the teacher or handle non-Christian situations that come up.

Our daughter was blessed that she was able to attend a Christian school where prayer, memorizing verses and Bible study was a daily part of her schedule. After my granddaughter came to our house recently and told us about a friend of hers whose grandfather had a temple with an 8 armed lady statue in his bedroom, I was glad the school did not require her to pray a Hindu prayer. But as a Christian, she can be an example of Christianity to her friends and she can and I believe she does pray silently.

As adults, can our examples as a Christian be any less? If we are in touch with God at all times, we will mess up less. Being a Christian does not mean we will not have trials and problems in our lives but God will always be with us because He promised and God cannot lie.

As we are examining ourselves, let's also think about others and how we treat them. We are to be kind, loving, tenderhearted, patient, caring and forgiving. We should not put ourselves above anyone. We should always strive to be helpful yet be mindful that the one we are helping also has feelings. I am one of those people that find it very hard to accept help but I love helping as I am led of the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit must be in everything we do; He should be the instigator of our actions.

As we think about others, we must help where ever we can and as often as we can. There are many needs during the month of December. There are both ministry and mission needs locally and far away that we are asked to help with. Paul also said to the Corinthians "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor 9:7)

As the New Year is soon to be here and we are examining ourselves, let's consider also our attitudes and our actions towards the church that we attend. We have a minimum of 3 opportunities to come together to worship God each week: Sunday Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship, and Wednesday Evening Prayer. Each of these worship times is important for us to grow as a Christian. Leave one out for selfish reasons and you are hurting you faith and your testimony. It hurts the church when you deliberately stay away as if you don't care. Like I have said earlier, your faith shows when and how often you spend time worshipping and praying with God's people. My Bible teaches that the entire Sabbath day belongs to the Lord. If I only love Him on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights (for choir practice), I am not as committed to Jesus as I want others to think I am. We need to examine ourselves.

There are many adjustments some of us need to make in our lives. The most important one will rule everything we do. That one thing is love. Jesus loved us enough that He died for us. As we examine ourselves, ask what am I willing to do for Him? I pray that I will be found faithful and....

Sharing God's Love,


"In the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." (Mark 1:35) Since this was a daily habit in Jesus' life, how much more do I need to do it?

e-mail 12/4/6

Yesterday at Worship, we had an awesome service in the morning and also in the evening service. Those who missed either service missed a blessing from God. There was an opportunity for "Testimony Time". This really brought back memories for me.

I remember being a part of Southside Baptist Church in Hazlehurst, Ga. as a young teenager and my pastor, Bro. Kelly Runyan gave us lots of opportunities for giving our testimony. Sometimes it was planned as part of the Worship service and sometimes it was spontaneous and every time someone joined the church they gave their testimony before the church about when they got saved. I am not sure that is a bad thing because sometimes people come into the fellowship and we don't know what they believe or if they have had an experience with God. It is no wonder that I learned as a youth in Church Training (now Discipleship Training), that I am not totally uncomfortable speaking before a group, nor am I intimidated to share my witness, because as a child I was taught that this is my responsibility to share Jesus and it was made so simple for us.

Our pastor yesterday also reminded us of the importance of stretching our faith (enlarging our borders) and let's see what God will do in our lives. He spoke of our Mission Offering and the need is great for our missionaries to stay on the field where they are called to work. If it were not for our mission offering, our missionaries would have to spend their time home on furlough traveling from church to church trying to get support. God has given us a better way.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is taken once a year and it is taken in December because Lottie died on Christmas Eve 1921 in the harbor of Kobe, Japan. They were trying to bring her home. She had become weak from starvation because there was no food for the Chinese that she loved and had ministered to for many years. She gave the last of her food to those she could and she paid the ultimate price.

Earlier in her life, Miss Moon had been engaged to a brilliant professor and they had considered sharing their lives in missions in Japan. After the Civil War, he studied and was exposed to the Darwin theory and to new ideas that she could not accept. Later while she was in China, Miss Moon decided that she should not be married to someone who accepted the idea of evolution. This was another time that she made personal sacrifices because she once said "Surely there can be no deeper joy than that of saving souls."

A young woman who was a student at Toccoa Falls College was asked, "why do you want to be a missionary? Her response was, "I have personally committed my life to invest in those things that matter in the scope of eternity and to care about surrendering myself wholly to Jesus and allow Him to use me to impact the kingdom of heaven. I have an unquenchable burning in my heart to share the love of Christ with people that will enter a Christ-less eternity should they never hear the Good News I possess. How could I be so selfish as to keep this wonderful news inside?"

As Christians, sharing Jesus should be as simple as breathing. It is not necessary to memorize a lot of Scripture - I have trouble remembering where the verses are found and often cannot quote the scripture address but, studying God's word for 50 years has given me an insight into who God is and I know what He has done for me. Every person we come in contact with every day should know beyond any doubt, that we are a Christian and we do not have to bully somebody into listening to us. Our attitude should reflect the attitude and mind of Christ. We can't get upset about everything and show anger; it defeats all the good that we might have done. Be kind, help others, smile more and radiate with the love of Jesus.

Say "God Bless You", "Merry Christmas". Ask if you need to if they celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ of just the holidays. This means doing an attitude check! And change if change is needed.

And finally, one thing I may mention several times during this month is this one thing. The world cannot understand why Christmas is so important to the Christian - to the world, it is a pagan holiday. Scripture tells us that their minds are blinded until they know the truth. We can do more good sharing Jesus during this time. We have the truth in us, we should let it out. Let us show Christ to the world during Christmas and not expect the world to do what we refuse to do. Getting angry about "happy holidays" or "holiday trees" means nothing to the world. Helping a person know Jesus so they can spend eternity in Heaven with Him is worth everything and the Christian behaving like Jesus during this time is a great witness. Remember it is our responsibility to...

Share God's Love,


e-mail 12/1/6

This morning on my quick shopping trip at Walmart, I ended up at the register with the one lady that I have had the most difficult time getting her to smile or be friendly. But this morning after I paid for my few items, I said "Merry Christmas". She broke out in a huge smile and said thank you, that I was the first one to wish her a Merry Christmas and after all it is December. My opinion of that clerk changed immediately and I decided that as a Christian, it is my responsibility to tell others that this is the Christmas Season. It is not the responsibility of the world or the stores to do what we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should be doing.

Like many of my friends, I got upset last year and some years before when towns began removing nativity sets from public places and when the stores started saying "Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" instead of using Christmas. But my tree is a Christmas tree. My yard says Merry Christmas but the most important thing that I must be concerned about during this wonderful season is my attitude and how I treat other people.

As a disciple of Christ, I must glow with His joy, I must walk in His Spirit, I must extend peace and patience instead of being grumpy because of crowds and above all I must show others the Love of Jesus. We are called to be His disciples. Jesus said, "They will know you are Christians, by the love you have for one another."

This is the time of the year, when we need to forgive anyone we think has wronged us, we need to reach out to help those who need help, we must stretch our faith into areas of our lives that we have never dared to go before.

As we look forward to the New Year that is only one month away, consider the kind of Christian you are going to be in 2007 and start practicing being nice now. Think of ways you can make a Quiet time a priority in your life. There is absolutely no excuse for a Christian not to have a Quiet time. It does not matter how many children you have or what other responsibilities keep you busy, nothing is more important than your relationship with Jesus. Absolutely nothing!

I shared with Bob last night the story of a minister that I knew as a child that went visiting to see a lady who had been lazy about coming to church. She had had a new baby and it seems that the baby was keeping her up at night and she was tired and she gave a million other excuses for not coming. My pastor said to her, "Dear lady, this baby is precious and belongs to God but if it is keeping you from being faithful to the Lord, perhaps we should ask God to take it away. He should take away anything you have that is keeping you from honoring Him." WOW! That took boldness and sounds harsh. But she got the point and brought the baby to church and was faithful to return to worship services after that pastoral visit.

Perhaps our prayer should be, "God, whatever is keeping me from being in my appointed place on Sunday morning for Worship, take it away. Whatever is keeping me from Sunday Evening Worship, take it away. Whatever is keeping me from Wednesday Evening Prayer meeting, take it away. Whatever is keeping me from a Daily Quiet time with You, take it away because I want others to see You in my life. Take away anything that hinders my complete obedience and honoring You."

And I want to be....

Sharing God's Love,


e-mail 11/29/6

A few days ago, I was reading in a book and was reminded of a Scripture from Romans 12:1-2. This has always been one of my favorite passages because it helps me to remember where I have come from and what my responsibilities are in this life. Then a very special Aunt sent us pictures of the beautiful "glass butterflies" and I could not help but think of the transformation that these beauties had to go through to become what they are as full grown butterflies.

The Scripture says, "I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

Paul was writing to the church at Rome and he was writing to those that were called Christians and he begged them by God's mercy to present their body as a living sacrifice. Something we need to remember here is that the people he was writing to was familiar with using their bodies as a sacrifice in their idol worship. But Paul wanted them to be different from before their conversion, he wanted them to understand that their bodies were to be living and holy, acceptable to God.

What does it take to have a holy, acceptable body to God? It takes a body that has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ to be a holy body. It takes a body who has the "intent of their heart" to be acceptable to God and Paul says this is just our reasonable service. If Jesus could give His life for us to have eternity with Him, then it is reasonable that He would want us to keep our bodies "holy, acceptable to God".

As Paul continues with his words to this church, he reminds them that they should not be "conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." When we first become a believer, we do not know everything that we will know if we stick with Jesus and learn His word.

I was 13 years old when I got saved, from a nonChristian home, parents allowed me to attend church with friends but I had a Bible believing and knee praying Grandmother who knew Jesus personally. She talked to Him about everything. She could not read or write but there were preachers on the AM radio that she listened to every night. When it was time for them to come on, she stopped everything, pulled up her chair, laid her hand on the radio for a point of contact, she learned the Word and she prayed. If I got sick or she felt the need, she would sometime send me a little piece of cloth or a handkerchief that had been prayed over (This is Scriptural by the way.) Her prayers were wrapping me in the arms of Jesus. I loved my Grandmother and if Jesus was so real and personal to her then I wanted Him in my life and it could not happen overnight." Transformation had to happen over time.

Paul said to not be conformed (accepting or following) the worldly ways but be changed (transformed) by the renewing of your mind. That tells me that the intent has to be deliberate. One cannot decide on Sunday to be a Christian and then not make changes in their behaviors and attitudes. No, it usually does not happen immediately, but as our hearts become more in tune with Jesus, our intent is to become more like Him by renewing or changing our minds that we might prove what is that good and perfect and acceptable will of God. Should that also be our intent? To prove what is good, perfect and acceptable will of God.

Paul also writes about transformation in 2 Cor 3:18. He said "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed from the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." Bob helped me a bit with understanding some of what Paul was saying in the last 5-6 verses of this chapter.

When a person does not know God, it is as though a veil is put over their minds so they cannot understand the things of God (2 Cor 3:14-15). The Scripture is beyond the unbeliever's comprehension. I use to think they were just stubborn and refusing to hear and when my neighbor use to go out the backdoor every time I went over to visit his wife, I thought he was just rude. But there is a veil over the unbeliever's mind until they hear a witness or watch a "transformed" believer and God's Holy Spirit begins dealing with their heart. As Christians, the veil has been lifted and we can see and know God through His son Jesus Christ. We should be changing every day from glory to glory because we want to be more like Him.

Our goal - to be like Jesus. We may not make it in this lifetime but it should still be our goal. When we are tempted to behave in a bad way, we should stop and ask, what would Jesus do? When our attitudes get out of whack, stop and pray, what would Jesus do? When someone cuts in front of us when we are driving, instead of yelling at the driver who cannot hear you, pray for him and think of your own attitude, what would Jesus do? And for myself especially, the next time the little girl at the end of the street stands in the middle of the road directing traffic, I will go to the door and speak politely to the mother instead of getting angry that the child is out alone in the middle of the street.

As we are transformed into the image of one who is good, perfect and acceptable in the site of God, we will be...

Sharing God's Love,


e-mail 11/26/6/(2)

Lately, I have been considering where I need most to be used as a Christian. I know that while I still have health issues, I cannot get away from the spiritual gifts that God has given me and all the education and training I have received to be used for His purpose in His kingdom.

This morning while I was getting dressed for church, the thought came to me, "what is the intent of your heart?" At first, I wondered, "Now, where did that come from?" Then I knew that the Lord was wanting me to confirm in my own heart that He is calling me to continue the work that He began in me a long time ago. I immediately went to the computer study Bible and found no passage using the specific words "intent of the heart" but I did find a passage in Daniel 4:17 that spoke to me.

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and it concerned him. He called his magicians and astrologers first to help him understand and they could not help. Then Daniel came before him and listened as the king told him his disturbing dream. He then said "This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones; to the INTENT that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men." (KVJ)

Another translation puts it this way, "The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men."

"Intent" in this particular passage means "for the sake of". We would probably say it means in today's language "our reasoning why" or "purpose". Nebuchadnezzar actually told Daniel the intent of his dream's outcome. It was that "the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men" He still does. God still reigns. He is the Almighty God, He is Jehovah.

As we think of our lives and the many hats we wear, we should check our intent or purpose for why we are doing what we are doing. No matter what our job or responsibility in life, our intent as Christians is that "the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men". Beloved, this is evangelism. This is missions. This is loving our neighbor as ourselves. This is treating our families as God intended. This is doing the best job we can at wherever we work as though we are doing it for God Himself. Our intent in going to the grocery store may partially be to get food but is should also be an opportunity to share the Good News with someone. We should always be prepared. Going to the doctor can be an opportunity to smile and give hope to someone who is not feeling their best.

My intent in doing this devotional is to

Share God's Love,


James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

e-mail 11/26/6 (1)

Even though I have so much to be thankful for, I have not written anything in several days. I thought that perhaps many e-mail boxes would be filled to capacity with well wishes from friends and that is always a most welcome thing.

Now we enter the time when our focus should be on the "coming of our Savior", His birth. It is easy at this time of the year to get our attention on that that is more commercial. Instead we should be asking ourselves, what would Jesus want me to do to celebrate His birth?

Jesus said, "I am the Light of the World". I believe that Jesus would want us to be a light to those around us, reflecting His light. A light is something that takes away the darkness so people can see their way. We have many ways of showing "the Light." We can do this by sharing our reason for celebrating this time of the year. We can do this also by decorating our homes outside to show our neighbors what Christmas means to us. Just riding through a neighborhood and seeing a Nativity scene and lots of lights make a statement to the lost.

I received a precious article recently that said that if the town square will not allow a nativity scene that we should not fret, that if every Christian had one set up in their yard, it would be a tremendous statement of our faith. Bob and I took that to heart this year and it may not be fancy but it does speak of what Christmas is all about to us. What an easy way to witness! Much better than a blow-up Santa or one of those round balls filled with air and fake snow.

Sometimes we think we have to memorize so much Scripture and have the knowledge of a preacher but witnessing is as simple as breathing-if you know Jesus. All we need to do is tell what we know, what Jesus did for us and let the Holy Spirit do His part of convicting hearts.

I have my Christmas tree up so there are as many days as possible for the lights to shine outside through the windows. Our tree is very special every year and often has been known to bring tears as the decorations are put up. Our tree tells the story of our life together and it is used to tell the story of Jesus. Every ornament on our tree has some special meaning, even the little snowmen. (The give me reason to be thankful that I live in an area where my little snowmen do not get cold and they do not melt.) There is a host of angels on the tree and I really don't know how many are in a "host" but there are a lot...all announcing a precious birth. The tree itself is artificial but God created the trees. As stewards of this world, I don't like cutting down trees unnecessarily and what we save on an artificial one goes a long way towards a Christmas Offering at church. There is nothing wrong with having a Christmas tree when you remember God is Creator of all things.

There is one ornament on our tree from the very first year of our marriage when we did not bring home $50. a week with both of us working 40 hour weeks and our rent was $50.00 a month. With a little bit of furniture payment, car payment and utilities, there was little left but we had each other and a small tree with some small plastic bells. We have one of those bells left from 44 years, not very pretty but oh so precious. There are shiny balls of all colors to remind us of how careful God made everything beautiful. The red balls remind us of His shed blood of Calvary because of love. The blue reminds us of the heavens, the green of the earth. The gold reminds us of a gift for the King of Kings, the silver reminds us of stars and moon and God's provisions.

We have an ornament from a missionary friend to the Philippines on our tree to remind us of those who have gone to foreign places in our place to share the Good News. We have put an ornament on our tree for each of our Grandchildren since they have been born and when they get their own tree, the ornaments will be our gift to them, just like we gave Debbie hers when she had her first tree.

We will be sharing more about ways to enjoy the real reason for the Season of Christmas. Christmas is about sharing, not receiving. As you get into the true spirit of Christmas, remember that the reason for the season is that we might use more opportunities to...

Share God's Love,


James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

e-mail 11/19/6

At our house, music has always been important to lift spirits and let us soar into the heavenlies even when we might have felt otherwise. It was wonderful when Debbie learned to play the piano and we would gather around as she played the old Gospel hymns that her Daddy loves so much, and we missed it when she married and took the music with her. He always teases her and says that just when she got good, she moved away with the piano while he endured "Teaching Little Fingers to Play".

Last night as I was shivering from these "extreme" cold temperatures we are having, the Gaither Hour came on with one of my favorite musicians ,Ernie Haase. Now before I continue, let me confess up front that I have my favorites: Guy Penrod, David Phelps, Ernie Haase and of course Mark Lowry. I have personally met each of these and except for David have my picture with them somewhere tucked away in hiding. These men are genuine in their faith and the songs they sing are from their heart or they don't sing them at all. They love their music because they love the One they sing about. They are more than entertainers.

Most of their music is Southern Gospel but occasionally they branch out into something more contemporary because their mentor in music, Bill Gaither, has encouraged it and that's alright with me, I like "some" contemporary music also. The Gaither Videos ministered to me through many weeks and months when I was unable to get out of the house or attend church, when no one called or came by to see how I was doing. I could count on the music and the message.

As they were singing last night I was reminded of an old song written by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis "Sheltered In The Arms of God". As one of the older generation, I need to hear these older hymns from time to time because they speak to my heart. I need to hear the words and not feel drum beats in my head and vibrating through my body while I can't understand the words because the music is so loud.

As the cold makes me hurt these words meant much to me last night:

I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender
They're leading me in paths that I must trod;
I have no fear when Jesus walks beside me,
For I'm sheltered in the arms of God

So let the storms rage high,
the dark clouds rise,
They won't worry me,
for I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God;
He walks with me and naught of earth can harm me,
For I'm Sheltered in the arms of God.

Many people in today's world need to know that there is safety in the arms of Jesus. He knows all about everything we are going through and He will carry us through the good and the hard times....even the cold ones.

Remember to share God's love with someone today.


James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

e-mail 11/18/6

A word that we hear often these days is the word "mission" or "missions" In the military we hear of the troops having a mission, meaning (I think) a specific assignment that they are to undertake.

In the church, we also talk about "missions" and I have to admit that when I am most happy and active at church is when it is a Season of Missions. I am of the old school of thought that if a church is not mission-minded then it is a mission-field. It is very possible for us to have ministry in a church or organization and never mention the name of Christ. We wish this did not happen but I am afraid that often it does. When a church is involved in "missions", it is not considered "missions" unless a testimony is given. This is one of those little tidbits that somehow got lost when Woman's Missionary Union ceased to be active in many Baptist churches.

Please don't misunderstand me, I am not opposed to ministries, there are many great ones. Bob's volunteer work at the hospital is both ministry and missions. Hospital rules prevent him from talking about Jesus to anyone that is not willing to talk to him and yet he can go in and be encouraging. That is ministry. When he gets to pray, share a testimony or talk about Jesus, then it is missions. Giving to those in need is necessary but ministries become missions when we share Jesus. Sharing Jesus can be verbally, with a Bible, a tract, or even a sticker as long as He is the focus of what we are doing and aren't afraid to say so. Everything we do or say should point someone in the direction of our Savior. We will one-day give account of every opportunity we had to share Him and it is up to us to take advantage of all opportunities. That is MISSIONS!

A mission usually has steps in how it is to be carried out whether we are talking about military or church.

Missions at church is a command of Jesus Christ Himself. He said (Matthew 28:18-20)"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age." We have heard and quoted this verse so much that we pay little attention to the words themselves anymore, much like John 3:16. Yet these 2 verses carry the Gospel message.

All authority has been given to Jesus; therefore this makes Him our Commander-in-chief. He has the right to make the rules and give the orders.Jesus gave a command that we were to "Go". That is the first step in the command. We have to be willing to go. Jesus wanted the Gospel to be spread into the whole world that everyone might have an opportunity to be saved. He knew that we could not each one go but He knew that we could go somewhere and tell somebody. The correct translation of this part of the verse says "As you go".

Another method of going is also in our giving and praying so that others can go with God's protection and guidance.

The second step in our mission, as a Christian is to make disciples by preaching the Gospel. Without the message of the Gospel presented it is not a mission, it becomes something else, sometimes a good ministry or other good things but it is not missions without the Gospel presented.

The third step in our mission is to teach others to observe all the things that Jesus has commanded us. This is the one that it seems we fail our Lord in big time. Each of us wants to do things our own way and not always His way and yet His way is so much better. We have heard it said that Jesus would not want us to be unhappy so we have to change the rules to make them suit our wants. It won't bring real happiness to change God's rules. We are to first obey and then to teach others the way of Jesus. The mature Christians, men and women, of the church are to teach those less mature and be the kind of examples to the world that everyone would want to follow Christ.

Then we have the promise. Jesus said that He would be with us always, even to the end of the age. He will be with us through eternity. Thank the Lord for that promise. We either believe Him or we don't. He is Lord. He is in charge and He makes the rules for the mission that we have been assigned.

In just a few days in most Southern Baptist Churches, there will be an emphasis placed on the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. I urge you to prayerfully consider how you can help to keep missions alive with Southern Baptist around the world. Our missionaries are depending on us.As always our goal is to

Share God's Love,


James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

e-mail 11/16/6

There is a very touching little story told of a poor woman with two children who had not a bed for them to lie upon and scarcely any clothes to cover them. In the depth of winter they were nearly frozen, and the mother took the door of a cellar off the hinges and set it up before the corner where they crouched down to sleep, that some of the draft and cold might be kept from them. One of the children whispered to her when she complained of how badly off they were, "Mother, what do those dear little children do who have no cellar door to put up in front of them? Even there, you see, the little heart found cause for thankfulness. -( Charles Spurgeon)

Last night as we came in from Prayer Meeting, our hearts filled with gratitude for the beautiful way that God's people came through in some loving and much needed situations this week, we settled down to do our daily reading beginning in James. At the top of my page was handwritten this note: "The presence, purpose and power of God is best discovered through difficulty."In James 1:2-4, we read, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing."

In the last few weeks, I have wondered if this last procedure on my hips was really worth it. The pain has been horrible at times, the medications made me feel bad and out of sorts and yet this has been the first of all the procedures I have had where I can tell there has been some relief from pain. I am told that it is only temporary relief for about 6 months but I am trusting that God will let it last longer. It is very easy to not understand why we have to go through the trials and pains of this life but always it is for a reason. In my personal life, everything has happened so I can help someone else who might go through something similar. God does not just allow pain and suffering to come our way because He likes it, it is for our good. We must never lose sight of the fact that God knows the future and He is going to do what is best for us even if we don't like or understand.

When Job didn't understand why he was going through such trials, he sat in pity and questioned God. God's reply to him (paraphrased) was "who are you to tell me what to do, where were you when I flung the stars into space, what right do you have to question Me?"

Like Job, my problem comes sometimes when self-pity steps in, when I start feeling sorry for myself or feel useless. None of us are useless. Each of us has something to do in this life for Jesus. The choice is ours about what we will do about it. The story has been told about a man who stole the shoes off his dead baby to buy a bottle of liquor. How low can a man stoop to do such a thing! However, God turned this man's life around and upside down and he became a Sunday School teacher, teaching God's word. Eventually, one of his converts led to the conversion of someone else who led someone else to know Christ and eventually led Billy Graham to know the Lord. We never know for certain how God is going to use our difficult times or who He is going to reach as a result of our going through something we don't like or did not plan for. Remember that God is watching to see how we handle the diversity.

The season is upon us when we are reminded of being thankful. I am not sure I will ever understand why the government decides that taxes are due in December and every major bill we have during the year comes due just at the time we want to be the most helpful and thankful to others. I recently heard of another plant located here in Georgia that is laying people off from work at this time of the year. Apparently Satan does not like our being filled with gratitude and he wants to shut it down. We should be determined not to let it happen. This is the time to be grateful for the good and also the bad. If we start thanking God for the bad, perhaps Satan will get the hint and leave us alone when he sees that his plan is not working.

Thank you for your prayers for me, for the 40+ shoe-boxes for Samaritan's purse, they will be delivered tomorrow to Hazlehurst for pickup. Special thanks to Barbara who will help us get them delivered. Many children around the world will have Christmas and we will have a small part. Praise the Lord! There is still so much more to be done. Please participate with your church and help as many as you can, opportunities will be mentioned at church in coming weeks. Your financial cost will be minimal and God will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. And whatever you do, remember to do it while you are.....

Sharing God's Love,


James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

e-mail 11/14/6

More than 50 years ago I ran across this poem, copied it down and hid it away in a dresser and have saved it all these years. I just want to share it with you today to help make you more grateful for the pastor we have who preaches the Word and who has the convictions to take a stand against some unpopular modern topics today. Bro Gregg is definitely not the pastor of this poem but enjoy. There are many preachers out there who are not preaching from conviction but for popularity or other worldly gain. This is not a new problem in Christianity, it happened in the Old Testament and was one of the charges that God brought against Israel before they went into captivity. The priest were misleading the people.


He was an ordained minister, but modern in views,
He preached his doctrines to people in the pews.
He would not hurt their feelings, what'er the cost would be
But for their smiles and friendship and compliments sought he.
His church was filled with sickened souls that should be saved from sin
But never once he showed the way or tried a soul to win.
He preached about the lovely birds that twitter in the trees,
The babbling of the running brooks, the murmuring of the seas.
He quoted fancy poetry that tickled listening ears;
When sorrow came to some, he tried to laugh away their tears.
His smooth and slippery sermons made the people slide to Hell-
The harm he did by preaching goes beyond what we can tell.
He took our Holy Bible and preached it full of holes;
"The virgin birth", said he, "can't be believed by honest souls.
The miracles of Jesus and the resurrection sale
For educated ones like us today, cannot avail.
We're living in an age, said he, when wisdom rules and reigns,
When man's intelligence is great and superstition wanes."
He said we're all God's children who live upon this earth;
No message of salvation, no need of second birth
His coat was bought with money that he had wrongly gained
For through his lying sermons his wealth he had obtained.
He was much like the soldiers that watched at Jesus grave,
For money in abundance, to them the people gave;
It all was theirs by telling what was a sinful lie-
A resurrected Saviour, they too, were to deny.

The day at last had come for the minister to die,
When to his congregation he had to say goodbye.
His form lay cold and lifeless, his ministry was past
His tongue with all its poison was hushed and stilled at last.
His funeral was grand, he was lauded to the skies
They preached him into Heaven where there are no goodbyes.
Upon the lonely hill, underneath the shady trees,
His form was laid to rest in the whispering of the breeze

A tombstone was erected with the words "He is at rest,
He's gone to Heaven's glories to live among the best".
His body now is lifeless, but Ah! His soul lives on
He failed to enter in where they thought he had gone.
The letters on the tombstone or that sermon some had heard
Could not decide his destiny, twas not the final word.
He still had God to deal with, the One Who knows the heart;
While others entered Heaven, he heard the words, "Depart".

He pauses for a moment upon the brink of Hell;
He stares into the depth where he evermore will dwell.
He hears the cries and groanings of souls he had misled,
He recognized faces among the screaming dead-
He sees departed deacons which he once had highly praised
Their fingers pointing at him as they their voices raised;
"You stood behind the pulpit, and lived in awful sin,
We took you for a saint, but a serpent you have been."
Accusing cries! He hears them, "Ah you have been to blame
You led us into darkness when you were seeking fame.

You preached your deadly poison; we thought you knew the way
We fed you and we clothed you, we even raised your pay.
You've robbed us of a home where no tear-drops ever flow,
Where days always fair and the heavenly breezes blow.
Where everyone is happy, and Hallelujahs ring,
We're in this place of torment, from which no soul returns.
We hear the cry of lost ones, we feel the sizzling burns
Give us a drop of water, we're tortured in this flame;
You failed to preach salvation to us through Jesus name."

Many thanks Bro Gregg for not being a modernistic preacher but a pastor with conviction and for studying and teaching us the truth.

Sharing God's Love,

e-mail 11/13/6

Something recently brought to my attention that I believe deserves a lot of thought is a passage from Titus 2:3-5. Paul was writing to Titus, a helper in the church located on the island of Crete. In this book in the 2nd chapter, we find Paul writing about the Ministry in the church toward various groups within the church. In the verses above, Paul was writing about/to women. He said, "The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things - that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God may not be blasphemed.

If I were going to give a definition of the virtuous woman I would have to say that the above qualifications given by Paul fit the pattern. We have a major "let-down" in today's church in this area. The older women in the church are no longer taking their responsibilities seriously according to the writings of Paul. Where did we go wrong? I have my opinion but I am prejudiced about the matter.

The older women are supposed to be reverent in their behavior. Reverence is "the condition of being greatly respected." According to the "World Book Dictionary, "To revere is to love and respect deeply". It is hard to find a woman today who really cares if she is respected or not. Some women I have known have mouths that should be super glued together because of the filth that comes out. No woman who respects herself, her husband, children, parents, or anyone else speaks with such filth coming from their mouths. We are not stronger by using irreverent language. We are weaklings just trying to act tough. Many of our children are following in their mother's footsteps cursing before they can talk.

We are not suppose to be slanders. - we should be uplifting to others, not trying to tear one another down because we might have difference of opinion."

Not given to much wine" - this is a no brain-er for me. I do not drink, have never drunk, think it is a stupid thing for intelligent people to do and have no intention of starting at this time of my life. (No, I do not use cough medication with alcohol in it.) I do not believe in moderation when it comes to drugs or alcoholic beverages. If Jesus had wanted me to go about drunk, he would have just made me loopier to begin with without my having to smell like a brewery. I do not believe that anything done in moderation is alright, otherwise a little stealing does not matter, a little offensive behavior is alright and a slightly dirty joke is OK. We are called out to be a separate people.

The older (mature) women are to be teachers of good things - THAT THEY ADMONISH THE YOUNG WOMEN TO LOVE THEIR HUSBANDS, TO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN, TO BE DISCREET, CHASTE, HOMEMAKERS, GOOD, OBEDIENT TO THEIR OWN HUSBANDS..." Paul tells what the good things are that we are to teach to the younger women in the church.

1. Love their husbands. How can we teach the younger women to love their husbands when we are on number 2,3,4, or 5? I am not being critical of any particular person/persons here but I knew one young lady in another church who led the young adults, left her husband to be with her new friend, later she married with the church's blessing and divorced in order that she could marry another friend and eventually divorce him. The last I heard she had married again and I've lost track of her and yet she tells the world "I am a Christian and this is how a Christian lives." Wrong! This is not how a Christian woman lives, how a woman loves her husband or the right example for other young women to follow.

2. Women are to love their children. I disagree with anyone who says that if you love your child you will let them be their own little person and act any way they choose. This is not Scriptural. Parents are to be in charge of the home and parents DO NOT LOVE their children if the parents let the kids have charge of the family or be disrespectful to others. I am certified to teach "Parenting by Grace" by the International Mission Board and it has been proven that "out of control kids" are the unhappiest children of all. They are more inclined to do drugs and become alcoholics as teens and adults regardless of their church involvement. Even Jesus was obedient to his father until death. Both of my parents are deceased now but neither one could ever say that I spoke back to them or showed them disrespect in any way.

3. "Discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands" - there is not enough room here to explain each of these but they are not hard to figure out. I am not called to be obedient to anybody Else's husband but to my own and then there is a condition; he is to love me as Christ loves the Church. Any woman loved as Christ loved the church will love her husband in return. Jesus gave his all for the church.

4. The reason of all this is that the Word of God may not be blasphemed. God forbid that we are so callous that we do not care about blasphemous behaviors towards our God. Our behavior in all things matters. The world is going to Hell and we are helping if we are are not trying to make a difference by living like Christians.

There is a great need in churches around America for the older (mature) woman of the church to step up and mentor or befriend the younger women and teach them the things of God. How easy it is to connect to just one of our younger women and make a friend, get to know them. No one is asking that you sit down and teach a "how to" class, just find one young adult woman and become a special friend. For the church's sake, for our families and our children, for the younger women who will take our places in the church and are trying to do without any help, we must step up and do what is right. You might save families; you might save children from growing up confused about how to behave. Our young women are worth the effort and a joy to know. They can't do the task before them without our help. You might make a very dear friend in the process. The young women in our church are needy for adult women who are Christians to be their friends.

I have already identified at least 2 young women who are my special friends. What are you willing to do? My prayer and concern for this day is that you will find just one young woman and Share with her a little of yourself and...

Share God's Love,

e-mail 11/10/6

This week while looking through an old cookbook, I found the Chocolate Chip Recipe that I had posted in the cookbook in 1996 along with my favorite Scripture verse at the time, Psalm 130:23-24. "Search me O God and know my heart; Try me and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting."

The cookbook was a special one to me because it was produced by SE Baptist Association Woman's Missionary Union, the last year that I served on the Ga WMU Board . All donations were given to Camp Pinnacle, one of the most beautiful campsites for Baptist youth groups in the state of Georgia. We needed to renovate the camp and build a lodge and the cost was in the millions of dollars. Ga WMU continues to work on Camp Pinnacle to make improvements and offer missions education to youth and girls during the summer months and allows other youth groups use the camp site for church camps. Our theme that year was "From this high pinnacle unto all the world".

As I think about this theme, I believe that each of us should think of where we are in our lives and think about how we can get the gospel into the entire world. Suppose it were up to you or to me. It is, you know! Many of us enjoy sitting on our personal high pinnacle of spirituality and are satisfied. We enjoy our place where we can worship,laugh and joke, & feast. We can enjoy the comforts of the buildings that we meet in and whether we think of it or not, these are high pinnacles compared to the majority of places Christians worship in around the world. We have it very comfortable and still find excuses not to be involved in missions education for our children, youth or adults. It is easy to give an offering every year but it takes efforts to go to Walmart and fill a shoebox for a child whom otherwise gets nothing for Christmas.

Since Woman's Missionary Union is no longer active in our churches, we do not have the number of young people who are committing their lives to missions. As one older lady in the church, I miss the WMU days when we had a week of Prayer for Home Missions and a week of prayer for Foreign Missions. I miss having a Home Mission Study and a Foreign Mission Study every year for Men and Women. I miss having a monthly general business meeting and all the ladies in the church would be involved in, through our community and the ladies were committed to come and participate. I miss having our Royal Service meeting when we studied and prayed for a particular missions group. I miss having Girls in Action stand before the church and repeat Scripture they learned and the special services for Acteens who worked hard to become "Queens" and were recognized for their efforts in missions activities. I miss commitment services when the youth would make committments to serve as missions as their career choices.

It's hard to grow old and find that the best there was is no more and nothing better has come along to replace it. The older ladies are not physically able to do the work that we use to do and the younger women don't know how. I think I agree more and more with the Mark Lowry song that says " I don't belong."

This week as we bid our farewell to our family friend Ken Warden, there was one word that was continually shared by all that best described Ken. That word was "Conviction." Ken was a man of conviction in the three most important areas of his life. He was a military man until he died. Not like the modern military but more like the John Wayne "Bustin'Head" military. He was proud of his military career and he served until time to retire. His military career prepared him for being committed to serving his community and doing whatever he could to make it a good place to live.

Ken was a man of conviction when it came to his family. There was nothing that could interfere with his love and time with his wife, children and grandchildren. He was a man of conviction about his faith. He could not be shaken and saw no areas of gray when it came to right and wrong. He made no excuses for those who chose to life apart from the Christian lifestyle. He called it like it was, sin was sin. Those who did not know him probably did not like his honesty but those he knew who were not phonies, he was their friend.

Ken was our friend for more than 20 years because his son is also our son by marriage. We are thankful that this quality of conviction is one that he passed on to Kenny and I already see some of it in David. This is a good thing in today's world where good is called bad and bad is called good, when men choose personal pleasure over spiritual matters and God has to take whatever is left over. Ken has gone on to Heaven to meet his Master.

An old WMU song says "May all who come behind us find us faithful" May they also find us...

Sharing God's Love,