Monday, January 22, 2007

Loving God and each other

A popular song that is sung by the Gaither Vocal Band is called "Loving God and Loving Each Other". I suppose that if Bob and I had a title for the 44 years that we have been married (January 20), it would be that we have loved God and each other and in that order. It is the secret to a long and happy marriage.

I remember well one Sunday when as a young bride that Bob was asked to supply for a country church. After the service, I told Bob that I was pleased with his message and his reply to me was, "I am glad you liked it but more important was whether or not God was pleased with it." His comment stung a little but I probably would have said the identical thing to him after the Better Speaker's Tournament just before we married when I had won with my Speech "Be Thou Faithful". The point here being that our dating and our marriage were based on loving God first in our relationship. Our dates were mainly going to church instead of to movies or were sitting at home talking and getting acquainted with our families. Our genuine love for God was the cement that made us love each other.

When Bob and I first met, I was walking to church and stopped by my best friend's house. Bob and his best friend was there and my best friend (Jill) and Bob's best friend were getting married and Jill's mother was making homemade do-nuts. I already walked about 6 blocks and only had one block to go but Mrs.. Yaun insisted that Bob drive me to church. A couple of years ago Mrs. Yaun went home to be with the Lord but she was a great lady.

People have asked us "how have you made it work?" That is probably the easiest of answers. "Love God first, then love each other. Each of you give 100% of yourself in love and devotion at all time to the other, thinking of the other first in all times, and your marriage is guaranteed to work. If a decision needs to be made, the husband should seek God's answer and it will always coincide with Scripture...not with wants...God will give a decision based on His will and what is best for the family.

His way will always be best for all. Too often we are not people willing to do that. We like to have our own way. Debbie had a kid's song on an album about Princess Prunella when she was a toddler that said "I want what I want and I want it now" and unfortunately that is why so many marriages fail today. We never grew up. We sometimes forget about what is best for our mate or our families because we want what we want and we want it now.

We forget that the most important thing there is is Loving God - loving Him with all our heart, mind and soul. We must never be jealous because our mates love God before us because God tells our husbands to love us as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for us. There is no greater love. What woman could not love the husband back who is so attentive and loving back to someone who loves her that much. I love the relationship I have with my husband. I love the kids who laugh at two old people still holding hand - not holding each other up - but out of genuine caring. I love my husband opening the car door for me. I love him kissing me every time he leaves the house. I love him calling me just to check on me to find out how I am feeling and asking if I need anything from the store. I love him turning down the bed at night and helping me with things around the house even when I feel like doing it myself. I love that he knows how to start the dishwasher. I love our quiet time every evening and reading a portion of Scripture and talking about it because he is a wise man who can be trusted with wise council. I love that he is my best friend and seldom loses his temper because he treats me with the same gentleness and tenderness that Christ treats the church.

I do not know why I was chosen to be Bob Hughes wife....but it has been my blessing. Because of Loving God first and loving each other, God blessed us with a beautiful child who has a family who is practicing the same principles, Loving God and Loving each other. They are teaching these to our grandchildren.

What would the world be like if Loving God and Loving each other became the theme for the nation beginning in our homes and our church? Until the word gets around, the best I can do is to continue to

Share God's Love,


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